I've got both Chi Corp./Computer Logics PCTD3 and PCTD16 Pertec-interface
tape controlers. What I don't have is a clue as to how to drive them.
Normally, this wouldn't be a problem that running down traces and some
pencil and paper work wouldn't cure. But, other than for a couple of
lines, much of the logic for these cards is hidden inside an early Xilinx
FPGA. Thus far, my "pork poking" hasn't given up any information.
Customer support at Chi Corporation is polite, but unhelpful. They claim
that they don't have any docs for the cards any more (tossed during a
move), nor are they sure about software (probably won't work on a modern
PC), but they'll sell me a copy of their Outright conversion package for
only $695 and it might work--maybe, but no promises.
So, I'm wondering if anyone has any information on these beasts or perhaps
has hung onto the TDRIVER.EXE or API.EXE files. I'm not interested in
using the files, but rather want to use them to give up some clues on how
that blasted FPGA is set up.