From homestead-admin(a) Thu Feb 7
23:51:49 2002
From: rbernardo <rbernardo(a)>
To: homestead(a)
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 20:21:46 -0800 (PST)
While cruising through the newsgroups, and, I found this posting from Tom Howe. He was
interviewed on a morning t.v. news show, and 11 minutes total were
devoted to his computer museum at his house. Among the items were
various Commodores. (I didn't like it when the news anchors started
taking potshots at Commodores.)
If you have a PC or Mac, you can connect to the link below and scroll
down the page to where Tom's video segment is in order to see the
Quicktime movie. Be warned... it's 16 megs long, and even on the
school computer with a T1 connection, it took many minutes to download.
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
P.S. FYI, a Vectrex is a home videogame console from the early 1980's.
It had a built-in vector graphics monitor, and the machine used a 6809
From: Tom Howe (tom(a)
Subj: Vectrex and 3D Imager on TV News Show
Date: 2002-02-07 01:24:54 PST
The Vectrex (or should I say Vootrex) along with the 3D Imager were
shown in operation on the KPTV morning news show "Good Day Oregon". A
QuickTime movie of the event can be downloaded from this URL (Scroll
all the way down to the bottom of the page):
This segment was about my computer museum, so it contains a number of
other classics, including the Minivac 6010, IBM 5100 & 5150, Pet 2001,
Apple III, Atari 2600, etc. The Vectrex segment is about half-way
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