Wow, Chuck, that was some great sleuthing there! Thanks.
I'm still wondering how on earth that demonstration
snippet ended up on a T-shirt, but the owner really wasn't
interested in talking about it. First off I don't think
he spoke much English, second, I speak hardly any Spanish,
and third, I think he found it impossible to imagine that
someone was really that interested in the shirt. He probably
thought I was hitting on him. (I have to admit, it's one of my
more tired pickup lines: "Hey, is that FORTRAN on your shirt?")
In any case he kind of squirmed around and wouldn't stand still
long enough for me to really read it carefully. I had a second,
third and fourth glance at it as we snaked through the check-in
line at the airport.
Interesting that the last word of that "STATEMENT NOT IN LANGUAGE"
was missing from the shirt.
Anyway -- thanks for solving the "Where did it come from?" half
of the mystery. The "How did it get here?" part I'm afraid is
The source is easy to recognize--and I'm surprised
that more folks
didn't recognize it--IBM QUICKTRAN. It took quite a bit of digging
just to find a reference on the web, however:
The article (page 497) appears to be the source of your T-shirt.
_| _| _| Brian Knittel
_| _| _| Quarterbyte Systems, Inc.
_| _| _| Tel: 1-510-559-7930
_| _| _|