Douglas H. Quebbeman wrote:
>>PASCAL User Manual and Report
>>Authors: Jensen & Wirth
>>Pub: Springer-Verlag
> throws up multiple copies....
Cool... do you think I can trade some S-100
boards for one?
Ah, you did not specify that you wanted to trade.
Well, I've got a PTC 2KRO with one or two 1702s in it;
a label indicates some kind of code, probably a boot
ROM for CP/M, but until I dust off the SOL and fire
it up, I've no way to tell (My Needham EPROM burner
doesn't go back that far).
What? won't do ClassicCmp trades?
You could always offer. About time we regressed back to a
barter economy.
Agreed, but the taxman's got his eye on that, too...
-Douglas Hurst Quebbeman (DougQ at [Call me "Doug"]
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