At 03:43 PM 4/18/99 -0400, Christian Fandt wrote:
Upon the date 12:06 AM 4/18/99 -0700, James Willing
said something like:
At 11:55 PM 4/17/99 -0700, Bruce Lane wrote:
At 23:17 17-04-1999 -0700, Jim Willing wrote:
20 points extra if you can tell us why the unit in
this picture:
had enough significance to rank fairly high on my 'nab' list...
I can't be 100% certain, but is not that an early digitizer, useful with
vintage Tek O-scopes?
Well, it may well be... but that was not the reason... B^}
Well, Bruce is pretty much on the money!
The 230 first appeared in the 1967 Tektronix catalog and is indeed a device
which provides digitised measurements from an oscilloscope. Still appeared
in the '71 catalog but I have no cats from '72 to '80 in my library.
Just put the 20 points on my tab :-)
Well... neat information, but not the reason I had in mind...
A slight clue: It has less to do with the specifics of the unit than an
appearance it made in a certain movie that many (most?) of us should be
familar with...
(ok, maybe more than a 'slight' clue... ) B^}
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