How important is high resolution? Is a 640x480 camera
with 10X
zoom much more useful than a 1280x960 with 3X zoom and
no macro focusing?
I'm really only interested in photographing
computers and circuit boards,
I assume anything that can handle that to my satisfaction will be able
to handle the occasional photo of my niece and nephews, etc.
I'm using an Camedia 810, but basicly there are 4 ways:
a) using a consumer range digital camera (up to 1024x800)
Pro: - easy to use, _real_fast_ 'klick' to disk turn around
time (neat when designing a web site)
- acceptabe quality for identification process
Con: - medium to high investment for the camera
- Quality to low to magnify details and or identify
details (Source picture resolution is already to low)
- fixed lenses, no exchange possible
b) using a professional digital camera
Pro: - easy to use, _real_fast_ 'klick' to disk turn around
time (neat when designing a web site)
- High quality pictures, thus a source for different usages
- Exchangable lenses with standard connectors
Con: - prohibitive price range - I prefer to buy more old
computers instead.
c) using an ordinary camera and scanning the prints.
Pro: - Cheapest solution (imidiate or in mid range if
a scanner has to be purchased)
- Resolution at least as good as with an customer range
digital camera
Con: - No short turn around cycle - you'll have to wait
for the prints and scan them
- most work (you'll have to scan them)
d) using an ordinary camera and the picture disk service
Pro: - Cheap
- reliable scanning quality
_ _high_ resolution scans (comperable or better
than a digital pro-camera)
- pictures already on a reliable, durable and
fileable storage media
Con: - No short turn around cycle
Each of this solutions can be optimal, as always, it's what
you want, and how you like it. Digital cameras offer you the
McDonalds feeling - go in, order, eat your meat - just the
tast is a little bit different from lets say Outback.
Consumer level digital cameras (up to 1000 USD) are not
very usefull if you like to have a certain level, while
pro cameras (>5000 USD) are way to expansive.
Pick your choice.
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