The LA180 predated the LA120 by 5 or 10 years,and came out shortly after
the LA36.The LA35 (I have one left) is a no kybd LA36. The LA180 was called
the Decprinter I. The Decprinter II is an LA120-RA or RO and came out
shortly after the LA120.
On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 2:28 PM, Richard <legalize at> wrote:
In article <3f64769e92d631dbed4ebbae72f3bdc2.squirrel at>,
"E. Groenenberg" <quapla at> writes:
After being kept in a corner, I unearthed my
LA180 aka DecWriter I.
DECwriter I is LA30
DECwriter II is LA36
DECwriter III is LA120
DECwriter IV is LA34
LA180 is the "receive only" version of the LA120.
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