Yes, I've done that trick in a pinch. I'm
looking to avoid having to
order connectors and take the time (even the 5mins) to make cables
though, as I'm in a really busy time right now and just want to get a
few things on the network.
It's probably taken you longer to send these messages than it would have
taken to crimp an IDC DA15 onto each end of a bit of cable.... And I
suspect the delivery time for such connectors from a reputable supplier
(Farnell, Digikey, etc) would be no longer than having a cable sent to you.
One thing I want short ones for is to "dangle" a 10baseT transcievers
from the front AUI connector on a BA213; for that I only need 2-3
inches. When I plug transceivers directly into those AUI ports, they
protrude such that I can't close the doors.
I would guess IDC ribbon ones wooud be great for this. They will foild
nicely, and the sonenctors are side-entry for the cable.