sometimes people have no idea they have it feel sick go see a doc and days
later their dead lost a few family friends this way and nieghbors :'(
On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 10:20 AM, David Riley <fraveydank at> wrote:
On May 11, 2012, at 10:52 AM, Richard wrote:
In article <CALL4=
N633f1oKHBT+4+tCu2nKrPAZz1yypkLd4e1Pd1vbxP1tA at>,
Paco Linux <paco.linux at>
Is this the same Chuck Moore that invented FORTH?
Don't think so; I don't think he had any association with AMD, nor has his
mentioned anything about cancer (and it's certainly mentioned a great deal
other overly personal things, so I don't imagine he'd hold back on that).
I could be wrong, though (and I would be very sad if I was, in this case).
- Dave