I was thinking about mentioning some odd machines I've seen, like...
analog+digital frankensteins
a stored program process controller made up entirely of relays
a programmable calculator that was made up entirely of relays
Does the CompuCorp desktop programmable calculator with the Hollerith card
reader count?
Surely the HP65 does not count...
How about a 6-bit computer made of transistors and programmed by plugboard? It
was "homemade" and used point-to-point wiring in a steel chassis like the older
Or a "tiny" 5-bit computer based on vacuum tubes that could fit in a large-ish
Or maybe a portable 4-bit computer made of vacuum tubes with a huge array of
toggle switches and a tape loop in a Baudot tape reader for program store?
Dunno... Probably not very on topic...
PL/1, "the fatal disease", belongs more to the problem set than to the
solution set.
-- E. W. Dijkstra