There is ethernet for any Atari ST. It's a modification of a printer-port
interface for PC's. You build a simple card that propogates a couple of
signals not available on the St's printer port through the cartridge slot.
At the very least it is supported by MiNT and MiNTnet. If you need help
with MiNT, let me know. The TCP/IP stack in MiNTnet is complete and has
servers. I think you might even be able to run an Xserver to another
station using it.
I've got MiNT and MiNTnet on my Mega4 and have succeeded with PPP over an
external modem. The only reason why I haven't built the ethernet
modification is that the printerport ethernet interface costs something
like $100.00 and I can't justify that yet.
In <200011230221.SAA01553(a)>om>, on 11/23/00
at 10:13 AM, healyzh(a) said:
People have looked into doing this for the Atari. I
know I'd love
something like this for my Atari TT030. Unfortunatly no one has gotten
it working as far as I know.
Jeffrey S. Worley
Complete Computer Services, Inc.
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