In the UK, the Amateur Computer Club newsletter published a design for a TTL
processor ... think it was called the WB-1. This was in the days before the
"classic" 77/68 but I think it had the same designer (Mike Lord?).
Does anyone have a remaining set of the newsletters that could be scanned
and made available?
around here, I think that I may have a book from the 1970's
pertaining to building a computer from TTL... will have to look for
it. I only recall Byte (an article by Steve Ciarcia?) having
published an article about building a computer from chips, but I think
it used a microprocessor... hopefully someone can prove me wrong about
Steve Ciarcia's bomebrew computers (he did several -- I remember an 8088
system in 5 chips, a sort-of PC compatible, a Z8 board without even
thinking about it) were based on microprocessors. But I do remember a
Byte article on making a homebrew CPU (from TTL). I think it was called
'EGO', and hung off a Tandy 2000.