--- Dave Dunfield <dave06a at dunfield.com> wrote:
I received an email from a gentleman in Burnley,
who has recently received a NEC APC, and managed to
A: instead of B: while attempting to backup the only
disk ... (and he didn't have it write protected).
He's found my APC images, but he's not setup to make
8" disk on a PC. He's asked for my help, however I
wanted to check and see if there's someone closer to
(I'm in Canada, so it's a fair ways to post disks).
He needs someone who can either write my DOS 2.11
image to an 8" floppy for him (it's in ImageDisk
or someone who has a working APC and can simply copy
DOS 2.11 boot disk. He has blank disks - he just
someone who can put the system on one for him.
Can anyone help? Please contact me and I'll
connect the
two of you.
Assuming I could get a 5 1/4" HD drive to work in one
of my APC's (assuming the 2nd still works, the first,
although working when I acquired it, has since given
up the ghost), and have a computer that likes ID (or a
computer that ID likes?) for dumping the image onto a
5 1/4, it's possibly I could get one together in a
matter of weeks. This assumes though that the 8" disks
that I do have work - don't really know.
Wouldn't it be better for this gentleman to get a 5
1/4" or 3.5" drive working in his APC? I had been
working on an adapter to do the opposite - to connect
one of the 8" floppies to a peecee, but I guess I got
distracted and the project fell by the wayside.
The APC utilizes a 50 pin cable w/headers on each
end, like a SCSI cable. Therefore you would need a
little printed circuit board that on one side you'd
solder a header connector to (to alleviate the hassle
of drilling holes) and that would plug into the APC's
floppy cable. The other side of the boards would need
to mate with a standard floppy cable that would get
plugged into the 5 1/4" HD drive (or 3.5"?). Sound
reasonable? I could promise I could get to this in
reasonable time, but to do so would be lying.
If no one is capable of supplying this dude w/what he
needs, I suppose you could forward my addy to him
Dave, and he can bug me for it.
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