Well, I was working on my 11/34 last night, and I noticed when I flipped it
on its side that the power regulator H745 does not have its red light on.
Does that mean the other two H744s are problematic, or does it mean that the
H745 is the problem, or is this all normal?
Opinions please! :)
On these DEC power bricks, the LED (originally a filament bulb) is simply
connected to the output (with a series resistor, of course). It should be
on when the supply is operating.
If it's not, then either the PSU brick has problems, there's a short on
the output, or (of course) the bulb/LED has failed.
I would grab a voltmeter and check the voltage at the backplane. And then,
if necessary, look at the printset to debug the regulator brick.