Data Sales in Savage, Minnesota has a number of 360 and 370 control panels
available. During my search this morning, I found panels from several Model
30's, a Model 25, a Model 44 and a Model 65. They also have a number of 370
panels, although I can't quote models--those machines are after my time :-)
Condition varies widely--email me for what I remember about a particular
Contact info: Jim Breckner, site manager, (612) 890-9047,
<jim(a)>om>. Please mention my name if you contact them--I would
like to go back and take some photos of other IBM gear they've got, and
they're more likely to tolerate the inconvenience if I'm bringing them some
business. Other than that, I have no relationship to these people.
NOTE--These panels are from machines that have already been scrapped, many
more than two decades ago. I too would have liked to see these machines in
running condition, but given their size, power and air conditioning
requirements, etc., I doubt that there would have been very many takers.
Does anyone know of any intact and running System 360's? How about System
John Dykstra jdykstra(a)
Principal Software Architect voice: +1 651 415-1604
Nortel Networks fax: +1 612 932-8549