On Jan 15, 2014, at 18:16 , drlegendre . <drlegendre at gmail.com> wrote:
Hey, check out that knob wall..
So what's the rack of analog waveform synthesis hardware doing here? Do the
owners think it's part of the PDP system?
Judging by the knobbage on the rack the PDP-12 is in, maybe it was set up for data
acquisition stuff. There's recent and current thread over on VCF from a guy who wants
a PDP-12 (and unfortunately isn't in a spot where it's practical to buy this one
on eBay), and one poster said that the PDP-12 was popular in medical research.
Hey, here's the thread in case anybody here has another PDP-12 to sell/trade to him:
Anyway, the one on eBay really has me drooling. Luckily for my credit card balance,
it's way too far away from me.
Mark J. Blair, NF6X <nf6x at nf6x.net>