I can't get this video to play for some reason. Cheesy linux netbook no doubt.
There was a Hackingtosh series in Computer Shopper. They (or the specific auhtor/s) may
not have coined the term originally - don't know. From what I recall they were using
amber serial terminals for displays. Or something like that.
Who the *h* wants to look at a green or amber screened Macintosh??? Sounds like a
Mockingtosh to me LOL LOL LOL LOL. Why doesn't some manufacture develop pink phosphors
and really much things up. Don't get me wrong I love me amber and green screens, in
their proper contexts. But not w/a Mac. Nuh uh.
Somewhat offtopic, but if anyone in the northeastern part of the US has any totally cool
PowerMac clones (Radius, Moto, etc.), I might be interested. As long as they're
totally cool.