Back in the day, I ran Windows 3.1 on a 12MHz 286, with a Hercules
card, and I still remember how vertically stretched the splash screen
looked on the Hercules display.
That thing was a sad mess - I had a EGA card and monitor I used for
color graphics, and a Hercules I used for Windows apps (for the higher
Despite its quirks, I wish I never separated and sold that machine.
Thems whuz the daze...
On Jul 22, 2005, at 11:11 PM, Scott Stevens wrote:
On Fri, 22 Jul 2005 22:33:21 -0500
Jim Leonard <trixter at> wrote:
Scott Stevens wrote:
EGA-Monochrome was very well
supported in a few essential apps like Microsoft Word for DOS, and
it also gave a MUCH better video resolution for Windows 3.0 on a
9-pin mono monitor than a Hercules card.
Huh? EGA mono is 640x350; Hercules is 720x348. You get more pixels
with Hercules.
For whatever reason, the drivers for Windows 3.0 make for a MUCH nicer
looking display with EGA monochrome than for a Hercules card. I can't
say why, but I distinctly remember this as being the case. It might
have more to do with the aspect ratio than the pixel count.