it is possible that someone at the university was wrong about that
and communicated that incorrect information to me. I'm big enough to admit that.
the other theory fits with this as well...
that someone purpose-built valtrep based on fortran for these specific machines.
that's the trouble with language etymology sometimes,
is the language (natural or otherwise) the predecessor (mother/root language) or is it
a more modern [sic] purpose-built or customized to a specific region or culture...
linguists have trouble with this sort of thing on a daily basis,
and yet a percentage of people on the list expect me to get it right the first time, right
out of the gate.
and they don't do it in a very nice way
the difference is, I'm not pretending to be smarter than everyone else, or know more
than everyone else,
or shove my knowledge in peoples faces. and I'm willing to admit I'm wrong, and
move on.
you learn more from your mistakes than your successes.
ps: I mistakenly used the word "epidemiology" in my previous message instead of
"etymology", my bad.
Date: Tue, 11 May 2010 20:31:48 -0500
To: cctalk at
From: jfoust at
Subject: RE: Valtrep is the PREDECESSOR to Fortran (was Lisa C and Lisa FORTRAN)
At 06:53 PM 5/11/2010, dwight elvey wrote:
Maybe someone told him it was a preprocessor to
FORTRAN and he misunderstood it. It could even
have been the person he heard it from that misunderstood it.
A most excellent possibility.
- John
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