On 1/26/10, Jason McBrien <jbmcb1 at gmail.com> wrote:
How about:
QBus vs Unibus
When I was doing DEC stuff every day, we never had any Qbus vs Unibus
tension - if you had peripherals that were largely older and larger,
you probably had a Unibus box. If you came onto the scene later,
especially after the uVAXen were released, lower budgets steered you
towards Qbus, larger installations tended towards Unibus.
All this stuff was so expensive that hobbyists rarely had Unibus
equipment unless it was long past commercial viability (like having an
11/05 in the early 1980s when DEC was selling the 11/04 and 11/34). I
know a few folks that had LSI-11s when they were semi-current, and for
them, the "religious argument" was minicomputer vs microcomputer.
That particular one was probably because the cost of DEC gear was high
enough that it needed some justification in the minds of a few who
shelled out for it.
VT100 vs 3270
That's just a subset of DEC vs IBM, an old but vigorous one. You
couldn't stick a VT100 on a mainframe (terminal emulator packages
aside) and you couldn't stick a 3270 on a VAX, so besides arguing that
the 3270 was faster (it wasn't async serial at 9600 baud) and the
VT100 was cheaper (but was still well over $1500, IIRC), it came down
to session-based vs interactive, which kicks upstairs to DEC vs IBM.
OS/370 vs VAX/VMS
Same thing.
SPARC vs MIPS (vs Alpha)
That one is more like it - "my workstation is better than yours!" A
broader offshoot of that is CISC vs RISC, which tended to translate to
either VAX vs UNIX workstation or 680x0 workstation vs RISC
workstation depending on the audience and what they used every day.