A much-hacked
IBM PC/AT (8MHz system board). The mainboard has a 486
kludgeboard in the 80286 socket. I've added a couple of EPROMs and a
bit of logic to overlay the last 8K of the bios, so I could modify the
hard disk parameter table.
There is a utility called 'hackrom' that I used to use to modify the
Remmeber I have the BIOS source listings in the TechRef. Patching the
ROMs was not hard...
The IBM motherboard had 2 'spare' ROM sockets. Adding a single TTL chip
(I think a '20) and a few kludgewires disabled the normal ROMs for the
last 8K of their address space and enabled the spare sockets. I even have
a little jumper link that when flipped returns the machine to the
original BIOS and disables the new ROMs all the time.
Why did you need to add/overlay the BIOS to modify the
parameter table?
It's an IBM PC?AT, so there's no user-defined drive type. And I wanted a
rather bigger driver than was officially supported.
There's an original IBM MDA board linked to a
5151 greenscreen
monitor. And a Colorgraph+ (Enhanced CGA card, with enough RAM for
640*200 in 8 colours, pity nothing supports it). That's linked to an
NEC monitor that was used with an Apple ][, which I modifed to add the
intensity line.
Good choice in the MDA card. Damned crisp characters and a rock steady
card. I went for years with nothing more. You don't have an IBM EGA
card for the color??
I do have a few EGA cards and monitors, I even have the EGA TechRef. But
I wanted to keep custom chips to a minimum...