On Fri, 6 Dec 2002, Adrien 'freddy' Farkas wrote:
year unnoticed in the corner). Today a rebooted it
(for whatever reason),
turned it on, re-connected the twinax console, but nothing appears. The
green cursor remains in the upper right corner (meaning that the AS/400 didn't
notice the console yet, afaik). Some hints, ideas, places to point me to?
It would help to know what model of AS/400 you have.
I think you must have reconnected it to a different place than before. The
AS/400 console is expected at twinax port 0 address 0. If you didn't put
the terminal back on port 0, it won't be the console, and if the system
doesn't finish coming up, nothing will display anywhere other than the
console terminal.
Are there any diag codes indicated on the front panel?