Ward Griffiths wrote:
Blah blah blah...
So I need some bootable
OS disks (these are _any_ Tandy applications -- they were _all_
bootable, though Scripsit was short several utilities to make more
room for the document file).
I have multiple copies of Model II system discs... Problem is "are they
still any good"? I'll make you any copies of my software that you want if
any of it is still good (can you spare any 8" discs?). I'm guessing that
it's mostly trashed now. sigh.
By the way Arfon, how many generations back do we have
to go to find
out where our family names diverged in Wales?
You surprised me with your catch that our names are the same. Most people
of Welsh descent don't know that they are Welsh and wouldn't know that our
names are the same.
Unfortunately, we are most likely not related because the Surname concept
was introduced into britain by the Norman French. Up until late in the
Britain's history, the Celtic peoples were still using "Name son of Name"
so Gryffydd (Griffith/Griffiths/Gryffith/Gryffyth), Evans, Howell, & etc.
were all 'first' names. (Note: in Welsh, "Son Of" is "Ap" so
I would be
Arfon Ap Arfon).
I can tell you this, half of my Welsh families comes from the
Caernarfon/Bangor area and the other half comes from Southern Wales.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build
bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce
bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." -- Rich Cook