On 23 February 2016 at 23:41, Maciej W. Rozycki <macro at linux-mips.org> wrote:
Are you sure? I've seen plenty of Freescale cores going pretty low as
far as power consumption goes, like their whole e200 line to start from
the very low end, but there's also e6500 for example if you want 64 bits
and more processing power. And then plenty of choice in between.
AFAIK, not remotely competitive with the Core 2 Duo line, which is
what Apple had in mind when it switched the Mac line's CPUs the second
And whereas PowerPC Macs could run Classic MacOS in a VM, Macintels
can run Windows in a VM, which is far, far more useful. I personally
didn't like the move, but it was a smart one for the company.
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