On Thu, 12 Mar 1998, Adam Fritzler wrote:
I know there has already been a discussion on the Sony
SMC-70, but it seems
to have terminated after being sidetracked into a discussion of floppy
I've stumbled upon quite a large collection of Sony modules for these
things. This is currently what I have sitting in front of me:
SMC-70G Micro Computer
??????? Genlocker
SMI-7012A Dual Floppy Unit
SMI-7074 NTSC Superimposer
SMI-7050 Cache Disk Unit -- What is this?
SMI-7075 Videotizer
Now, is there anywhere that I can get an OS and the software to use all that
equipment with? Can someone 'lend' me images of thier floppies? (If anyone
has them!)
I have several SMC-70 disks that include the o/s, word processor
(Benchmark), MEX114 communications, etc. I have no idea whether the o/s
will support your 'odd pieces' however.
If you are interested, send me private e-mail and we'll see what can be
worked out.
- don
The main computer module is fuctional -- I can boot it
to the point where I
get a console monitor and get type 'b' and get into 'Sony BASIC'. I
currently have enough RGB NTSC video equipment to test the rest out.
( Adam Fritzler afritz(a)iname.com )
Don Maslin - Keeper of the Dina-SIG CP/M System Disk Archives
Chairman, Dina-SIG of the San Diego Computer Society
Clinging tenaciously to the trailing edge of technology.
Sysop - Elephant's Graveyard (CP/M) - 619-454-8412
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