[mailto:cctalk-bounces at classiccmp.org]On Behalf Of
Dave Mabry
Kelly Leavitt wrote:
Here are some of the strings:
IN-III MACRO ASMB. (Z80.ZILOG) VER. 1-01 830131 DATE 60.
1.10 PAGE 1
This was a pretty standard DS/DD 8" disk that read right in
using a catweasel
and also with imagedisk. I think it might
have been an Intellec-III, but that is based on the repeated
appearance of ISIS, and the fact that it is ROM source.
One thing that I can say with certainty is that Intel
never sold a
development system that used double-sided 8" disks. They had a
double-density format (MMFM, rather than MFM that most used) but they
were single-sided. I have several Series II and Series III Intellec
systems and none has double-sided disk drives.
I have verified that it is indeed an
DS/DD image.
Another observation in the above strings...the Z80.ZILOG
isn't Intel.
They never sold anything that supported any Z-80-specific
systems. And
ISIS, from Intel, was ISIS-II. Intel would not have left off
the "-II"
from their identifiers.
I have found references to z80 extensions for the Intellec
series, however based on the DS/DD discrepancy and other clues, I must agree that this
probably is NOT Intellec.
Now, for my guess. This looks like possibly something from a
of Intel, or possibly one of the development systems from Zilog or
National. It is possible they used an ISIS-compatible file
format, or
object module format. That may be what the "ISIS" is all
about in that
I have been examining more of the disks (there are about 40 that appear to be panasonic
source code). I have one that appears to be a CP/M disk with a lot of tools from
"SOPHIA SYSTEMS CO., LTD.". They are an ICE developer.
60K CP/M VERS 2.2
Did Sophia Systems make entire units, or just the software and ICE attachments?