I had some time last night so I spent several hours digging through documentation and
sitting at
the console to see if I couldn't make some progress.
First of all, I figured out how to obtain the ethernet MAC address:
show ethernet-address
What I had to figure out that I had to be at the FEP (Front End Processor) prompt and not
LISP listener since that command is an FEP command. So now my home network is configured
for when I get the Symbolics configured enough to enable TCP/IP (or as Symbolics names it
I also discovered (shouldn't be that big a surprise) that Genera doesn't really
use configuration
files. Everything is stored in the running LISP state. One thing that has to be
remembered is
that the entire LISP state needs to be saved when making configuration level changes (or
installing new software). Just because it's on disk doesn't mean it can be used.
I'm going to see if I can't get a bit further today.
TTFN - Guy