[This is supposed to go to John, but I'm not sure if it will go there.
I told MM to send to SENDER. Let's find out!]
Amateur radio is't dead. One of my co-workers is a storm chaser, he lent me his
2-meter handheld so I could listen in.
(Alinco DJ-S11. Little bitty thing! He says it does 1/2watt TX, it runs from
3 AA batteries, and I can palm it. I can even smuggle it into school with an
earpiece and listen during class... :-)
Nothing interesting came of it (Where's a tornado when you need one?) but
I was listening to the normal traffic, sounds like fun, so I'm gonna go get
a no-code Tech license and join in. Always wanted to, but never thought I'd get
the time. I think I'll make this a priority...
(Set it one notch under the KS-10 thing)