On 4/6/07, info <info at harrells.net> wrote:
I need or should use a MFM drive. I know the RLL
drives used a better
recording surface to get more data in the same size but the controller
is a MFM st506 from a Cromemco 250 system so it only knows MFM. I guess
I could use a RLL drive and low level format it but I don't remember if
that caused problems or not. Thanks
Formatting an RLL-certified drive with an MFM controller should not
cause any hassles - just a loss of capacity compared to the RLL
format. An ST238R formats just fine as an ST225.
IIRC, every possible spacing of pulses used in MFM encoding could also
occur in RLL encoding. So unless the drive tries to interpret the data
stream in some way -- and AFAIK no ST412-interfaced drives do, they just
record it on the disk -- any drive that can handle RLL encoding can also
handle MFM encoding.