VT52, but I
only have the power cord. Inside there is something that
looks like a connector, but I'm not sure if it really is one.
There's a little daughterboard that plugs into one of the logic boards.
It contains the circuitry to convert between TTL levels and current loop
or (I guess) RS232. Do you have this board?
This board is missing. But I think I know where the connector is.
I do have a mini self made board, it might belong to the VT52 (maybe
someone made a replacement?) It has 10 pins (would fit into the VT52,
but the VT has 11...) a couple of diodes a SN75188 and a SN75189. The
cable (six wires, RS 232?) is cut off. could this be the missing board ?
It definitly came with the VT52, ant it doesn't belong
If you get no other replies, I know I have the VT52
printset. Be warned
it's not an easy device to debug unless you're used to it. It's basically
a special-purpose processor + firmware ROMs, and about 90% of the
circuitry has to be working to get a display. But there are clearly tests
you can do to eliminate the sillys (like 'is the master clock running' :-))
thanks, but if Eric Smith scans them, I hope I can start.
I'll see if I can repair it....
Thanks, lothar