I may have a little info - but the info is in storage, and it is just a
"Western Peripherals Instruction Reference Card", apparently referring
to the DC-230, PDP-11 and TC-130 (the latter being a tape controller,
for which I do have some doc.)
Once the weather warms up again - say, maybe this weekend, I'll trot off
to storage, bring it back and scan it.
Back in the 1970's the UW Madison CS Department's 11/20 had a 3rd party
disk controller of some sort - one pack removable, one fixed, but I
don't remember who made it (might have been Wangco).
On 3/12/2021 5:02 PM, Josh Dersch via cctalk wrote:
Any ideas what this disc controller is?
Can't find much about this on the 'net, other than that it was a controller
for Diablo/Pertec style drives -- no idea if it's an RK11 clone or
something else entirely. Looks to be suitable for a PDP-11/20 given the
little notch missing from the side there, and the lack of a separate power
harness for the backplane.
- Josh