Well, this has been one of those ideas that has been
at the back of my mind for a long time - I would like
to interface one of these IBM terminals I have around
the house to something. Anything. I was thinking about
an emulated mainframe on Hercules or something.
But the thing that brings this to the foreground in my
thoughts is that today I had to troubleshoot a
3174-51R at a customer's site. This thing is
connected, via a rather unusual cable, to a Cisco 2500
series router, so that means the 25 pin connector on
the back must be some form of X.25 or something like
that. I know that the fellow at
corestore.org has been
able to get a real IBM terminal to telnet into an
emulated system via a terminal controller with built
in ethernet (although I have never seen one).
Anyone done this before? What do I need to hunt for? I
now have one piece of the puzzle that I was never able
to find before - the manual for the 3174-51R. Now the
terminal controller's operation can be deciphered.
But, of course, I don't have the 3174.