On Tue, 7 Oct 2008, der Mouse wrote:
Okay, so edge connectors are very far from dead.
Which was where I
really was tryign to go with this. :-)
And they are far from being cheap or low-cost. I've recently ordered many
different card edge connectors from DigiKey, the most needed were the 48
pin 0.156" ones used for the HP2100/HP1000. They cost 7,30 EUR each *plus*
Indeed, yes...
The 0.156" pitch is not at all common in Europe, most older European
stuff ises 0.1" connectors. And European suppliers (or at least the ones
we commonly use in the UK) stock a very limited range of such connectors,
if any at all.
When I needed some 0.156" ones for HP repairs/hacking (maing a PSU test
rig for the 9826/36 PSU module, for example), I had to get them from
Digikey. Not cheap, and the shipping even less so :-(
customs and VAT. And DigiKey is actually the only one
that will sell you
these, so I wouldn't say (apart from DIMM sockets) that they are still
very common.
0.1" pitch edge connectors, particularly the ones you crimp onto IDC
cable (think of the 5.25" floppy drive connector), but the solder type
too, are farirly easy to get in the UK.