Jules Richardson wrote:
With museum hat on, we've seen precisely one ///
in the last five or so
years (compared to six or seven Lisa 2 systems) - I tend to think that
the regularity with which certain systems are offered is a pretty good
indication of their scarcity, and that puts the /// in the "not many of
them about" camp.
I have one, and it worked last time I tried it! Also have an
external floppy drive for it and a couple of expansion cards.
(I'm still not quite sure why they're not
collectible though - i.e.
people don't seem to fall over themselves to acquire one. They're
uncommon, quirky, strangely-styled, and often as not a reputation for
being a bit of a flop makes something just as popular as something
that's well-engineered)
The feature that I like is the special two-click cursor keys;
you press a bit harder, and the cursor move a bit faster. There's
a second switch under the key, with a stronger spring, that makes
the auto-repeat run faster (just on the cursor keys).
John Honniball
coredump at gifford.co.uk