Barry wrote:
If you are going to use an analog LCD monitor, you are
doing yourself a
disservice if you don't get the test pattern generator available at:
I just wrote one for Linux last week:
Actually it could probably be built for Windows as well, since it
uses the SDL graphics library which also works on Windows.
And use it to properly set the dot clock.
When you display this pattern, you should see an
absolutely perfect and
uniform field of alternating (but very, very fine) black and white
vertical bars each only one single pixel wide.
My program could generate that, but you had to type five keys to get
it. So I've just added a new key "a" which sets that up directly.
in the 1.00 release which I just put on the web page.
It may be cheaper to buy a new monitor and sell the
old one for parts
on E-Bay (the LCD panel, which may still be good, may be worth more as
a part than the cost of a new monitor).
I've seen that good laptop LCD panels often sell for more than the price
of a new laptop equipped with a similar panel. I've never understood