A couple of days ago I mentioned I'd
discovered a workaround for Epson
SD320 or SD321 spindle motors that stopped after a few seconds because
the protection circuit was tripping...
Well, one came back to bite me.
isolated track to the nearby 9V supply to the CX065B chip. I took out a
few more components to get to the PCB surface, then really cleaned it up.
And then I was getting over 30M leakage.
Put everything back, and it seems to work....
You're not only one, I had to do same thing to couple mitsubishi 20"
Oh I've had it before. A capacitor failed in the protection circuit of my
laserprinter (Apple LW2NT, Canon SX engine). It leaked onto the PCB. The
result was that the fuser protection relay dropped out after a few
seconds. Again, removing all possible sources for the trigger current
didn't help, it was leaking across the board through the residue from the
old capacitor.