Tony Duell wrote:
Elektor is the best of a dwindling number of
electronics magazines
available in the UK. It's improved in the last 5 years or so as they now
do make firmware sources available for about 50% of their projects (but
not the interesting ones, alas). Before that (and for the other 50% now)
you have to buy the programmed device from them, and it comes copy-protected.
"Copy protected" -- implying an MCU implementation?
I.e. *small* pieces of code? (not hundreds of KB)
Microcontrollers, PALs/GAls, CPLDs. All come with the security fuse
blown. Obviously EPROMs are readable :-)
In a few cases, they make the object (binary) file available to program
your own device, but not the source. Which is not particularly helpful.
Yes, I am well aware there are ways to reverse-engineer some of these
devices, but I have to weigh up the effort to do that against the effort
to design the whole thing from scratch (and have it just the way I want
Since I generally build in order to learn, this
is a major reason for me
not to build said project.
Yup. Or, at least to be able to *build* on their ideas
(things they didn't think of or didn't implement well)
Exactly. Rarely does the published design exactly meet my needs, I want
to modify it. And that may mean modifying the firmware too.
disadvantage is that their computer-related projects invariably
have Windows software. The sources of that may not be available, the link
between the PC and the project (RS232, USB, parallel ports) may not be
properly documented.
This is true here (US), as well. Its as if the idea of something
*other* than a PC never crosses their mind...
I don't expect them to support all my old machines, but I wish they'd let
_me_ do so by documentign the interface properly. If a device plugs into
a serial port and uses the Tx and Rx line conventionally, then I'd like
to know what commands I can send the device, and how it responds. Or
alternatively, give me the source to the firmware and/or the PC program
and I'll work it out.
I wonder if the *apparent* (? unsubstantiated by hard
prevalence of hobbyists on your side of the pond has anything
to do with economics? I recall (when working with a firm in
Manchester) that many components that were dirt cheap here
were quite "dear", there. And, the "pounds = dollars"
relationship means things are effectively (i.e. from *my*
point of view) 60 - 80% more expensive than they would be,
I've heard economic arguments (mostly as a reason for not homebrewing)
many times before, and I don't believe it's the whole story... Let me go
off at a tangent for a moment.
All my life I've been interested in clocks, and one day I intend to make
a real mechanical clock. I'll have to get a lot better at machining
first, but I still want to do it.
Economically, this makes no sense at all. To make a clock from scratch
probably needs \pounds 5000 to \pounds 10000 worth of tools (many of
which i have, it's true, but I'd still need to get gear cutters, etc and
they're not cheap). The metal to make said clock is around \pounds 100.
And the result is a much worse timekeeper than a 5 quid quartz clock from
the local household shop.
But I still want to do it, to learn, and to have the enjoyment of making
it. And it appears others do likewise. There's at least one magazine
which has an article every month on desinging/making a clock (and other
articles on making parts as part of antique clock restoration). There are
many books and plans for homebuilt clocks. So I can't be alone in wanting
to do this.
Now lets get back to computers. The difference in performance between a
homemade mechanical clock and a quartz clock is probably comparable to
the difference in performance between a modern PC and a homebuilt
processor. The tools needed to make a homebuilt processor are cheaper
than those needed to make a clock, thouygh. And yet, I've not seen one
book or magazine article on making a processor from scratch in the last
10 years.
If some people think it's worth making a clock from scratch, why not a
I will end with a wuote from a book entitled 'Every Boy his own
Mechanic', published about 90 years ago. It's the start of a chapter on a
home-made telephone system
' For some years previous to 1914 the constructive instinct and ability
inherent in many of us was almost snuffed out because most of the
mechanical and electrical things we wished to possess were so cheap that
they could be bought ready made. Often the prices quoted were actually
below the cost to us of the raw materials, and so we came to think that
constructive hobbies were a bit futile. Lots of those cheap things were
amazingly good, but some where exasperatingly bad, and the bulk
indifferent. Still, we bought the stuff, learned nothing from it, and
clean missed all the solid satisfaction that lives for ever in building
and contriving and creating
Take the ready-made cheap telephone, for instance. How long did it take
to get fed up with ringing and asking "are you there ?" Was it really
worth the outlay of 15s to 45s? Frankly, no. Why? Because our purchase
locked us out from all the subtle mysteries of an ever-wonderful
instrument (simple though it may be), and we had been robbed of all the
joy of its making. If it failed to act we discovered that we could not
put it right. If it acted perfectly, we took the whole thing for granted
and soon became bored. But to build up that same installation oneself in
the face of difficulties from the homeliest of raw materials, and at last
to have it (in litteral fact) voicing our triumph in our eager-listening
ears - ah, that is a very different matter!'
And that is exactly how I feel about homebrewing electronic devices now.