The ones I do remember=20
1. BA11-ES always referred to as a Balls box
That would have been confusing to me. Balls Brothers were a company
well-known for embedded video monitors in the 1970s/1980s, including at
leat one version of the VT100 video board. So a 'Balls Box' to me would
be a VT100 (or something) with a Balls Brothers video board.
2. RSTS as Ristus
It was normally 'rustus' among the people I knoew who used it...
Getting away from DEC for a moment...
I have been known to pronouch 'CRT' as 'Crut'.
But oddly, I almost never pronouce LED as 'led'. It's always 'Ell Eee
Dee' (or 'Lima Echo Delta' if I am being more silly than normal :-))