It's the
same kind of superior smugness you get from Lisp zealots, who
also use
ten-dollar words like "homoiconcity" and claim that it's the only tool
that can
bring us artificial intelligence, despite the fact that it has yet to
produce any AI of note despite having been around for 56 years. It
does however
make sense once you realise that Lisp source code is also Polish
It's not. Lisp does NOT use RPN.
My friendly Lisp expert (Quadrescence) clarifies me that Lisp does use
Polish Notation per se (but not, of course, REVERSE Polish Notation). So
this post is dedicated those people who occasionally wrongly claim that
Lisp is RPN (though Peter Corlett does not appear to be making this
claim). Sorry, Peter.
I would dispute that Lisp has not delivered any meaningful AI, however.
It was the substrate for decades of symbolic AI research, the
fundamentals of which are neatly summarised in books like Norvig's
Paradigms of AI Programming.
Lisp uses prefix ordering ...
There are languages that use RPN (I won't bother listing them) but Lisp
is not among them.