On 6/15/2013 3:19 PM, Dave McGuire wrote:
On 06/15/2013 04:17 PM, Liam Proven wrote:
would too! I get eye fatigue at anything less than about 1280x1024.
Um. Are you joking, or did you miss the point here?
If you're kidding, um, well, er, hey, I am not one to attack poor
taste humour generally, but, er... well...
I didn't miss the point. (at least I don't think I did!)
Ben is stuck in Windows land. Windows users are accustomed to reducing the
resolution of the graphics system in order to get larger text. This has, of
course, been ludicrous since day one. Just increase the friggin' font size.
Apparently that's "hard" in Windows land.
Why? if I set the screen font size to what I can see, I am back to the
same screen
size as before. I have small computer desk, so getting a bigger screen
is not a option. I just grumble that *24x80* text size (full monitor)
are not a Windows option under windows. If had good text emulation then
I would be using VIM more often for editing. Is there a way to set the
fonts for that option under windows rather than dancing toasters.
I love how True-type fonts no longer seem to work for the video display
and printer.