Do you want to stick with 5.2 or would you be open to
running 7.3 with
hobbyist licenses? I've tinkered with 7.3 on Q-bus VAX from KA630 to KA692.
I haven't done any 5.2 installs and don't know where support for that tops
What kind of cabinet / backplane do you have? KA650 and KA655 CPUs should
be pretty easy to find. 16MB M7622 boards shouldn't be too hard to find
either, although if you want 64MB you might be limited by your backplane.
The cabinet for the microvax I is different that the BA123 and the BA23 that are available
for the later vaxes I believe. ?This model has a chassis which is
6"x28"x22", and a KD23 CPU (probably faulty). ?It has a maximum RAM
capability of 4MB. ?It definitely cannot run netbsd later than 1.61, maybe nothing before
that, but I haven't validated...
I figured that I had gone as far as I could go with the hardware anyway. ?If I can't
find a good priced replacement in the uv-II or uv-III/III+ line maybe I'll look for a
replacement CPU (if thats all that failed).
I do want to stick with the 5.2 license for the time being, perhaps I will play with my
7.3 hobbyist license when I get bored with it.