Richard wrote:
Well, the previous discussions along this line
talked about removing
the laminated front with a nichrome wire. I believe at least one list
member reported using this technique.
I did it with an HP-250, but that was for a non-functional system (i.e. it
needed to look as nice as possible, but increased implosion risk was not a
I hope that machines is not on public display anywhere. If that CRT
implodes you could have _big_ problems...
I don't see it matters where the machine is goign to be powered up or
not. The imposion risk is there allthe time.
factor) - hence there's currently just an air gap
between CRT and faceplate on
that particular machine. For that tiny screen, I got enough juice (just) from
a plain old PC power supply to cut through the failed sealant.
(One day that machine almost certainly will get restored to working order, but
not in the near future I suspect)
Pity... I believe it's quite an interesting machine.
Maybe there's an easy way to keep the
thickenss uniform and then you can
repair the safety as well as the appearance.
Personally I've used a lot of 70s and later machines and never known a tube
implode - I think for my own use I'd be tempted not to screw around with
Nor have I (and I've got CRTs a lot older than that). But it must be a
risk -- after all TVs had imposion screens going back at least to the
1950's, and there was much liess of a 'safety culture' back then. But I
guess the danger was enough for manufacturers to do something about it.
The pre-WW2 UK TVs, which often haf the (small deflection angle) CRT
mounted vertically and an inclined mirror in the lid of the cabinet to
view it by, didn't have imposion protection AFAIK. I wonder if experience
from WW2 had something to do with it -- I am told there
were injories
caused to airbourne radar operators who were looking down a viewing
at the radar CRT, the plane had a heaving landing, was shot at, etc, and
the CRT imploded.
replacing the sealant (subject to next owner knowing
what they were getting,
of course). I wouldn't want to risk it for anything "public" though.
Well, I am not a particulalrly safety-concious person, I will work on
CRTs, etc with no problems. But I wouldn't want to sit in front of a CRT
where the implosion protection had been downgraded.