Wayne wrote....
I have been on this list for around 10 years and can
say with pretty
fair certainty that the mix of posts has changed substantially during
that time. Jay, perhaps you don't notice this because the type of
things you're most interested in - old HP and DEC gear - are still
actively discussed. But discussions of the small stuff: 8-bit micros,
CP/M machines, Apple Lisa's, HP Series 80, etc., have all but
Well, I have been around a while as well. You and I are obviously
looking at
the same data, but coming up with different conclusions and/or views about
Yes, there has been a lot of discussion here of HP and DEC mini gear as of
late. However, that generally hasn't been just "idle discussion". The HP and
DEC mini discussions have been forefront for a while. But I would put forth
that the reason for that isn't that the list makeup or focus has changed. I
would submit for consideration that it is because several people (including
me) are currently restoring a particular machine of that variety - hence the
abundance of discussion on the list about it.
When someone is doing a particular restoration on the list, they tend to ask
a lot of questions about a particular machine because that is what is on
their bench at the time. Others who are familiar with the machine chime in,
and it stirs up even further discussion. I have gone through three major dec
mini restorations over the past year or two and asked a lot of questions
here perhaps causing that focus.
I daresay that the 8 bit micros, lisa's, and HP series 80 stuff is alive and
well... and when someone starts asking lots of questions (someone asking
just one question is statistically a bad example to view the "flock of
birds" effect) the bulk of the list will chime in. For example... I note
that the thread about CPM machines certainly started a lot of active
discussion. I also know for a fact there has been frequent discussion of the
HP series 80 and 98xx on the list so I must respectfully disagree with that
part. The micro stuff is alive and well here... but everything can't always
be on the front burner at the same moment.
And by the way - I have far far more micros in my collection than minis,
principally due to my huge heathkit holdings. But I also have apple ][ and
TRS80 machines. The simple fact is I can't restore all my machines at once,
I have to go through them one at a time. I have to do the minis first
because that is going to make the most room to work on the other machines.
Trust me... when I get to restoring/learning/playing with my heathkit,
apple, and trs80 stuff you'll see me asking a lot of questions here and the
"most common" topic will change. I'm not saying that I personally steer
conversation here, because anyone else asking more than a few micro
questions will see the same effect result. Just my own thoughts on it.