On Wed, 21 Jan 2015, Mouse wrote:
Jay West wrote:
> I think one issue is that half the folks insist on using an HPIB
> interface [...]
I'm one of those folks. I'm more interested in later OS, and HPIB
peripherals are what I worked with on the HP 3000 systems. Plus, I
wouldn't need a 13037C to control a 7925M. :-)
I don't suppose there's anything like HPdrive
in the open-source world?
I've had building something to act like an HPIB disk as a blue-sky
project for some years, and, while I may still do it, if someone has
already done it I would love to find out about it.
Anders Gustafsson has designed a GPIB disk emulator that currently
emulates several Amigo and SS/80 drives: 9121D, 9122D and 9134D:
If someone had the time, it should be possible to extend the firmware
to support bigger drives like the 7925H or 7935.
Mike Loewen mloewen at cpumagic.scol.pa.us
Old Technology