Finding updates to the firmware is probably a non-starter. You could build
an active router/firewall for it that filtered the offending packets.
On Tue Sep 30 2014 at 5:27:09 PM Dennis Boone <drb at> wrote:
This new
router seems to broadcast a number of packet types that the
IP stack on the Annex was not designed to handle. The buffers
containing these packets appear to be leaked and the memory loss
eventually causes the Annex to hang hard. This happens about every
40 hours. A power cycle will bring it back. A bit of googling seems
to indicate that I am running the latest official firmware (from
1995?). I can't seem to find any web discussion of the Annex more
recent than 2004. I wondered whether anyone here might know of some
trick or some small remaining community of users of the Annex. I
know that it has something to do with traffic from the new router
because if I isolate it on a subnet by itself it still runs fine with
no memory loss.
Nortel discontinued the line about then, if memory serves. You might
try asking Doug Jones <dcjones at>. He was providing some
support for Annexen after Nortel quit.
Honestly, the easiest thing to do is probably to throw one of the small
board computers at being a packet filter, though.
What model do you have?