>> Is this the machine that can't work
without a module because there's no
processor in the main machine?
Yes. By itself, the machine is just a one-line LED screen, a chicklet
keyboard, and a cartridge slot. All of the computation is done in the
modules. Most of the modules are for language translation. But two of the
modules are really interesting -- Electronic Notepad (#LK-3500) and Filing
System (#LK-1001) which give the system primitive word processing and a
flat-file database. There was a scientific calculator module as well, and
the system was used by spooks as an encryption device when connected to an
acoustic modem. LOL, I don't have that module... But I have almost every
other module including the two PDA-like ones mentioned above.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Duell [mailto:ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk]
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 5:37 PM
To: cctalk at
Subject: Re: Nixdorf LK-3000 on Yahoo! auctions
Nah, it says it's not working, and it doesn't appear to have any
modules, let alone the cool ones. Working ones aren't hard to find.
Is this the machine that can't work without a module because there's no
processor in the main machine? Each module contains a microcontroller.
Just out of curiousity, what are the 'cool modules' (and if any joker dares
to suggest one for refrigeration / air conditioning calculations, I will not
be responsible for my action :-))