On or about 10:38 PM 12/31/98 +0000, Tony Duell was caught in a dark alley
speaking these words:
board). Are
there often nonessential components
in older hardware? Is it actually nonessential or
No!. There may be protective components - ones that only come into use
when there's a fault and which prevent further damage (a common example
is a crowbar on a power supply), but they are all there for a reason.
As my dad's been a trucker my whole life, the crowbars that have always
been around my house have been *quite* large, and the concept of one of
*those* crowbars on a power supply would hinder it's operation, not protect
it. ;-)
Would you care to briefly elaborate what a power supply "crowbar" might be?
There's *got* to be a little bit more room in this noggin' of mine for a
sprinkling of your wisdom!
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- zmerch(a)30below.com
SysAdmin - Iceberg Computers
===== Merch's Wild Wisdom of the Moment: =====
for (1..15) { print "Merry Christmas\n"; }
(from perl.1 man page, version 4.)