Hi all.
anybody near Manchester want to take a risk?
My ex-wife has posted on the local freecycle list a "pile of
electronic gubbins". Unfortunately we're not speaking, and she's not
going to let me within a mile of the place. But from the posting, a
message passed by a friend, and reading between the lines, it looks
like it's going to be everything I ended up leaving behind when I
left, about 8 years ago (and which I'd subsequently been told had been
disposed of).
It therefore /may/ include:
complete act sirius 1 and external hard disc
apricot xen and external isa expansion chassis
microfive 8088 based multi-user system
amstrad pc512 in bits
SUN 600Mb external scsi drive (was huge!)
composite colour monitor
plus the usual pc junk, but probably nothing under 10 years old!
and it may incude none of those... she's insistant on an
all-or-nothing pickup as she's moving, and knows nothing of whats
there and cant describe it.
However if anybody is nearby and fancies taking a chance on getting
some classic kit, let me know and I'll pass on contact details. I
don't know how much interest she'll get from the freecycle list direct
so best be quick...