just hack it to do a screen print to the built-in printer :-)
>> But, do you assert that Diebold knows what
they are doing?
On Mon, 7 Jan 2008, madodel wrote:
Having been a programmer for a couple of decades, none
of the companies I
have worked for are going to tell a programmer in detail, exactly how to
code something. They may specify a language and there might be a set of
guidelines to follow. You are given a set of requirements and you code to
them. Perhaps security wasn't a requirement. Though if something as bad
as this (allowing users to get to a command prompt or a GUI) got through to
a customer I would seriously suspect the company had little or no quality
checking. But as I pointed out there are a lot of photos of crashed and
hacked ATMs.
a friend who used to work for them says that their ATM work has lower
quality control standards than their voting machines
I might have a lead on a Diebold "debugging keyboard"