It is worth something to me, but at the moment my budget is rather tight. I
didn't mean to 'whine' about it, I was just excited to see such a complete
piece for sale, and was surprised when you bought it. I didn't mean for you
to buy something you didn't want.
I'd say the complete documentation (the stuff in the binder) is worth around
$60 to me, but I don't have any extra money to spend right now.
In about a month I should have enough. I'll e-mail you then.
Jonathan Gevaryahu
(replace _@t_ with @)
>>>I hope to see the whole thing scanned (and
I want to see the scans too).
>>And this information is worth how much to you?
>I was hoping to get scans of the *ENTIRE* Votrax
PSS manual
Perhaps you are not a native English speaker.
I just spent over $200 for something I was not
particularly interstested
in because you were whining on this mailing list about wanting the
I am not going to put this information up on bitsavers
for free. If you
this is worth something to you, put up or shut up.